Whether our donors wish to give one-time or monthly, we are thankful for every penny that is donated to help be an instrument of change for a disadvantaged child. We have no idea who the next world leaders will be, in each child there lies the potential. By supporting a single child, a siblings group or the RCV Project in general, you "Pay it Forward" and truly make this world a better place, for you and me.
So, you've been looking for some truly meaningful and purposful ways to fill up your calender? What is better than volunteering a few days per week for the charity that you believe in? RCV needs help searching for items that are available to nonprofits. RCV needs help with filing paperwork, folding, stuffing and sending out letters to supporters and vendors, and in many other ways. Meeting agendda prep and planning, certificate creation, reminder phone calls the list of tasks that must be completed to administer a Charity is extense. Join us and become a RCVol all volunteers receive a complimentary t-shirt and custom mug. Volunteers are the unsung heros of RCV's success. #Truth
Our Elders have paid their dues, and all to often, they have the dubious distinction of having "out-lived" their resources. With the aging population expanding at record numbers it is vitally important that there are programs and services in place to be certain that these our most fragile and honorable treasures will not fall through the cracks and be forgotten about as they approach the end of their independence. Someday, if time permits, we will all become Elders, let's work to prepare the way for ourselves, and others who have already gotten there.
When TAX TIME rolls around, you'll be so glad that you did it. A large, much needed donation to RCV will go far. With very little money, we are able to impact many different lives. Have your name printed in event programs, on event t-shirts and posters by becoming a: Gold, Siver, Platinum or Diamond Sponsor for RCV Charities today. We provide copies of our annual report to every coorporate donor so that it is clear how RCV allocates funds. To receive a RCV Sponsor Packet
email: RCV.Charities@Gmail.com and write "Sponsor Info" in the subject line. We will send information about sponsorship amounts and will assist in processing your contribution. Your pledge is tax-deductible.
There are too many ways to donate to list. You can donate both in cash and in-kind by contacting us for the best and most secure way to give. The best part is you will recieve a receipt that can be given to your tax professional since RCV is a 501 (c)3 Nonprofit Charitalble Organization. Be sure to indicate WHICH PROGRAM your donations should be directed to. If you do not have a perferred program, we will apply it where the NEED is greatest.